All about our improvements to the Infinite Scroll Elementor plugin.
Infinite Scroll Elementor pulls the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of the page. The plugin supports Elementor Posts, Elementor Archive, WooCommerce Products, and WooCommerce Products Archive, as well as support for Custom Selectors.
For tutorials check Infinite Scroll Elementor tutorial.
2.5 - 2025-01-17
- Fix: Undefined variable warning for $ImgRatioFixButton
- Fix: jQuery compatibility improvements
- Update: Migrated from deprecated Elementor color schemes to new global system (#8)
- Tested with WordPress 6.7.1 and Elementor 3.26.5
2.4.1 - 2022-04-04
- Fix: Code error (#7)
2.4 - 2022-03-28
- Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 3.6 (#6)
- Fix: Button Load - ISE is now visible in Elementor Widgets Panel (#5)
2.3.2 - 2020-11-08
- Fix: WooCommerce Product loop fix in Infinite Scroll Elementor.
2.3.1 - 2020-11-08
- Fix: Syntax error at line 1041 in Button Load Elementor (#2)
2.3 - 2020-11-07
- Tweak: Defer jQuery compatibility (#2)
- Fix: Missing class 'elementor-fit-height' after Infinite Scrolling (#3)
- Tweak: Ability to toggle Image Ratio Fix in Elementor Post and Elementor Archive.
- Tweak: Infinite Scroll Elementor options are properly arranged.
- New: Ability to add Margin.
- New: Ability to add Text Shadow.
- New: Ability to add Spacing to Loading Animation.
2.2.2 - 2020-10-20
- Fix: Fatal error after adding both Infinite Scroll Elementor and Button Load Elementor two times in the same page (#1)
2.2.1 - 2020-10-16
- Fix: Fatal error after adding both Infinite Scroll Elementor and Button Load Elementor in the same page (#1).
- Fix: Fatal error after setting animation color to global color.
2.2.0 - 2020-09-26
- New: Button Load Elementor - ISE.
- New: Style Tab.
- Tweak: Added ability to Load More using Button.
- Tweak: Added ability to disable loaded animation.
- Tweak: Added ability to select Loading Type between Animation and Text.
- Tweak: Added ability to customize Last Text and Error Text.
- Tweak: Added Loading animation to Elementor Products widget infinite scroll.
- Tweak: Added ability to add Loading text.
- Tweak: Added ability to Style Button.
- Tweak: Added ability to Style Loading Text, Last Text, and Error Text.
2.1.2 - 2020-09-10
- Tweak: General Fixes.
- Tweak: Added Loading animation to Elementor Products widget infinite scroll.
2.1.1 - 2020-09-06
- Tweak: Grammar slam.
2.1 - 2020-09-05
- Tweak: Added new Infinite Scroll JavaScript.
- Tweak: Added compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
- Tweak: Added compatibility with Elementor 3.0.
- Tweak: Added support for Other Elementor Addons.
- Tweak: Removed custom Loading Image and No More Items option.
- Tweak: Added Loading Image and No More Items and removed option to the code.
1.5.25 - 2020-05-25
- Tweak: Renamed Infinite Scroll Elementor widget to Infinite Scroll - ISE.
- Tweak: Removed Load More from Infinite Scroll - ISE.
- Tweak: Added separate widget Load More - ISE.
1.5.24 - 2020-05-24
- Tweak: Added Extra Options.
- Tweak: Conditional load for Assign Load More ID
- Tweak: Defer jQuery compatibility (#2)
- Fix: Missing class 'elementor-fit-height' after Infinite Scrolling (#3)
- Tweak: Ability to toggle Image Ratio Fix in Elementor Post and Elementor Archive.
- Tweak: Infinite Scroll Elementor options are properly arranged.
- New: Ability to add Margin.
- New: Ability to add Text Shadow.
- New: Ability to add Spacing to Loading Animation.
2.2.2 - 2020-10-20
- Fix: Fatal error after adding both Infinite Scroll Elementor and Button Load Elementor two times in the same page (#1)
2.2.1 - 2020-10-16
- Fix: Fatal error after adding both Infinite Scroll Elementor and Button Load Elementor in the same page (#1).
- Fix: Fatal error after setting animation color to global color.
2.2.0 - 2020-09-26
- New: Button Load Elementor - ISE.
- New: Style Tab.
- Tweak: Added ability to Load More using Button.
- Tweak: Added ability to disable loaded animation.
- Tweak: Added ability to select Loading Type between Animation and Text.
- Tweak: Added ability to customize Last Text and Error Text.
- Tweak: Added Loading animation to Elementor Products widget infinite scroll.
- Tweak: Added ability to add Loading text.
- Tweak: Added ability to Style Button.
- Tweak: Added ability to Style Loading Text, Last Text, and Error Text.
2.1.2 - 2020-09-10
- Tweak: General Fixes.
- Tweak: Added Loading animation to Elementor Products widget infinite scroll.
2.1.1 - 2020-09-06
- Tweak: Grammar slam.
2.1 - 2020-09-05
- Tweak: Added new Infinite Scroll JavaScript.
- Tweak: Added compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
- Tweak: Added compatibility with Elementor 3.0.
- Tweak: Added support for Other Elementor Addons.
- Tweak: Removed custom Loading Image and No More Items option.
- Tweak: Added Loading Image and No More Items and removed option to the code.
1.5.25 - 2020-05-25
- Tweak: Renamed Infinite Scroll Elementor widget to Infinite Scroll - ISE.
- Tweak: Removed Load More from Infinite Scroll - ISE.
- Tweak: Added separate widget Load More - ISE.
1.5.24 - 2020-05-24
- Tweak: Added Extra Options.
- Tweak: Conditional load for Assign Load More ID